Amillio Farrington's collection of books

Amillio Farrington's collection of books

These are just some of the books that I've read and they all will take you to extraordinary places.

5 Stars
The Giving Tree - Shel Silverstein

One of my top five elementary books as a child and as an adult. This incredible book symbolizes caring, sharing, and giving. It is centered around personification as the tree is seen with human characteristics. The beginning of the book the tree is happy to give and show love to the boy. At the end of the book the tree is still happy to help the old man in any way she could even with nothing else left but a stump. This is a great book for whole class read or even choral reading. This book will get your students excited during the Thanksgiving season as they tell what they are thankful for.


2.5 Stars
Where The Wild Things Are - Maurice Sendak

Where the Wild Things Are is about a boy who is ordered to go to his room without dinner one night. While in his room he imagines he is in a wild place full of monsters. These wild monsters demand that he become their king and the boy is full of joy until he has to sail back home. When he gets back to his room his dinner is waiting for him. This book is full of imagination and vocabulary for your students. This book can be used for literature circles or during shared reading. This will get the younger kids excited about making monsters or monster stories as a follow-up activity.


3 Stars
Snow (Beginner Books) - Roy McKie, P.D. Eastman

Snow is a great book for the winter season or getting ready for a snow day. This mostly picture book is great for children of younger grades who are has or has not seen snow. The author Roy McKie uses a lot of snow ideas that children can relate to or even want to try. An easy read and also a lot illustrations makes up this book called Snow.


5 Stars
First Day Jitters - Julie Danneberg, Judy Love

Sarah Jane Hartwell, like a lot of us, has some first day jitters and does not want to leave the house. This story is a great read and is relate-able. Not only students but also teachers can relate to this story. This book can be used as an ice breaker for the first day of class; also for the teacher and the students as they get to know each other.